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Weekend Update 5-3-20


Video update on YouTube:

Senior Trip Refunds

The latest word I’ve received about refunds is that I should be hearing from them this coming week in regards to a bottom line refund amount. The trip representative said she is still waiting to hear from Southwest Airlines. I will send new information out as I receive it.

Music Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors.

Seniors, if you are interested in a music scholarship from McLennan Community College -

the deadline to apply has been extended to May 15 to allow students extra time to put materials together during this hectic time. MCC is still looking for all instruments and students don’t have to be a music major to be eligible. They said they STILL HAVE MONEY TO GIVE OUT which has never happened before!

If you are interested, contact the Director of Bands, Mr. Conrad at jconrad@mclennan.eduor at 254-299-8220.

Senior Spotlights.

In May, BISD will begin a series of senior spotlights of students who have represented BHS through athletics, fine arts, organizations, and clubs. Fine Arts will be the first group of Seniors to spotlight starting tomorrow, May 4th. Please look for these on our social media sites. 


If you haven’t already - please email the appropriate director with 2 pics - 1 of the instrument serial number and 1 of the case with the serial number clearly visible in the photo. Need these pics ASAP!! Woodwinds - email Brass - email Guard - email

NEW & CURRENT MEMBER POWER POINT was released this past Thursday, April 30th. If you haven’t already seen it, please view it on the band website home page. This is a narrated powerpoint presentation with information concerning this summer’s band camp, fall rehearsals, games, and contests, fees, and many other pieces of information about the BHS band. Please view this video!

Pre-Participation Physicals – UIL

the UIL Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) has recommended adjusting requirements related to pre-participation physical examinations for the 2020-21 school year.  All students participating in UIL marching band and/or UIL athletic activities will be required to complete the UIL Medical History Form. Any “yes” answer to any of questions 1-6 on the Medical History Form will require a student to receive further medical evaluation, which may include a physical exam, and receive written clearance from a physician, physician assistant, chiropractor, or nurse practitioner before any participation in UIL practices, games, performances, or matches. Only those students with “yes” answers to those questions are required to receive written clearance through further medical evaluation.

We have not received these Medical History forms at this time. More information to come as it is received.


We are working on plans to distribute personal possessions from classrooms and lockers. We will be finalizing dates in the coming days but for now, please keep the week of May 18th penciled in on your calendar. We are trying to secure a couple of evenings that week in order to do pick-ups and drop-offs at BHS. More information to come soon!

Keep Up With Your Assignments

Students – Please do your best to keep up with Band and Colorguard assignments. We are almost to the end of the school year and your last assignments from us will be during the week of May 11-15. After that, you may have the rest of the month to catch up on any missed assignments before we turn in final grades.

It is important that you keep up your musical and Colorguard skills but these videos you turn in also let us see you and let us know that you are ok during this time. Please reach out to your director if you have any questions or concerns regarding getting your assignments done.


Mr. Kwaku is providing videos explaining the marching technique we use at BHS. Please view these videos and start preparing for next year.

There is a google classroom class set up to provide opportunities for students to submit videos of themselves demonstrating the techniques discussed in the videos. (optional)

M100 Marching Band Technique Videos:

M100 Marching Video Classroom code: 5tfpbas (make sure you use your mybisd to access the classroom)

Drum Major / Band Officer Candidates.

Tomorrow is also the due date for Drum Major audition videos AND Band Officer videos. These videos must be uploaded to their specific google classroom classes. You can find the codes on our band website – student page. Band Officer positions available are Band Captain, 1st and 2nd Lieutenant. You can also read about the responsibilities of these positions on the student page.

For those students who make Drum Major – there will be a virtual drum major camp offered by SASI with dates in June and July. The fee is $100 per participant. Please visit the SASI website for more details.

Fall Marching Show Reveal Video will be made available on band website-Home Page on Tuesday, May 5that 10AM!

Reaction Video

Officer Videos will be posted on YouTube and made available to view on Wednesday, May 6th.   A YouTube link will be posted and a Google Form Ballot made available to vote on Band Officer, Section Leader, and Drum Major. All posted on website – Student page.

Voting will close and videos will be removed from YouTube on Friday, May 8th.

Results for Band Placement, Drum Major, Section Leader, and Band Officers will be posted on our website (Students page) on Monday, May 11th.

You can find all of this information about auditions and results on our Students page on the Band Website. And, don’t forget, the Password to the Students Page is M100!

The Colorguard June Fundamentals Camp at BHS has been cancelled. Mr. Hudnall is in constant contact with all Colorguard students and parents and will have more information about future camps as he receives it.

Summer Band is still scheduled to begin in late July. A Colorguard and Percussion Camp is scheduled for July 20-24, Band Leadership on the 27th and 28th, and All students back for Summer Band on July 29th. Please see the Band Calendar – all dates are updated on the calendar. Please also check that Power Point I mentioned before for summer dates/times.

And Celebrating Birthdays were Mr. Yerigan on April 27, Mr. Gill (my husband) on May 1st, and Hannah Lonnecker who turned 18 on May 3rd! Happy Birthday to All – Hope you had a Great Day!

I’m happy to share birthday shout outs -please send me some fun photos and I’ll send a Happy Birthday out over these announcements!

Also – please remember that all of these announcements are uploaded in text form on our band website – Announcements Page.



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