Dear M100 Family,
Happy April! UIL month is upon us, so it's time to make our final push to the end of the season! We are fast approaching the end of the school year, so let's finish strong! Here is your weekend update!
M100 2023, "THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTNING!" - We are happy to announce that our 2023 marching show will be "Thunderbolt and Lightning!" This will be an electricity themed show with "Bohemian Rhapsody" as a musical center point! The arrangement is still in development, but we will be passing out music once we have it available!
BHS JAZZ ENSEMBLE TEMPLE COLLEGE JAZZ FESTIVAL - Congratulations to the BHS Jazz Ensemble for receiving superior ratings from all judges at the Temple College Jazz Festival! Additional congratulations to Colter Boethel, Pablo Ureste, Duncan Lancaster and Colby Franklin for receiving Outstanding Soloist awards! It was truly an awesome performance and we are proud of all of your hard work!
RETURN ALL BORROWED M100 JERSEYS! - There are a handful of students who have borrowed M100 jerseys without returning them! If you have a jersey that is not yours, please wash and return it ASAP!
LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS DUE TOMORROW - Students that will be applying for section leader or drum major will need to turn in the application by the end of the day TOMORROW, Monday April 3 at 11:59pm. Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification from the leadership process. The link to the online application can be found here.
LEADERSHIP AUDITION MATERIALS - Click the following link to access the Google Folder containing PDFs of the Leadership Application, the Teaching Audition Rubric, and the CORRECTED M100 Marching Fundamentals Packet (The fundamentals packet would be good for everyone to review even if you are not auditioning for student leadership!).
2023 M100 PLACEMENT AUDITION MUSIC - The audition music for next year has been finalized! Please click the following link to access the music for the audition Hard copies will be made available tomorrow during class. Auditions will take place during band classes the week of May 1 - May 5.
4/3 BOOSTER CLUB MEETING - There will be a Belton Band Booster meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm in the BHS Commons.
4/5 CLINICIAN - We will be having Garth Gundersen, Assistant Director of Fine Arts of Killeen ISD, out to work with our bands on Wednesday, April 5th during our band classes. Please be sure to be present and on time this Wednesday!
4/5 LEADERSHIP TRAINING - Since we will not have school this upcoming Friday, we will have a FULL LEADERSHIP TRAINING THIS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH AFTER SCHOOL FROM 4:45-5:45PM. We will begin outside on the practice field. Drum major candidates will then transition inside for conducting training.
4/19-4/21 UIL ITINERARIES - The UIL performance times for each of our bands has been finalized. The contest will take place at Chaparral High School in Killeen. Click HERE to view a detailed itinerary for each ensemble. Stage performance times can be found below.
WIND SYMPHONY - Wednesday, April 19 at 4:30pm (Sight Reading at 5:00pm)
SYMPHONIC BAND - Thursday, April 20 at 9:00am(Sight Reading at 9:30pm)
WIND ENSEMBLE - Friday, April 21 at 12:40pm (Sight Reading at 1:20pm)
5/19 BAND BANQUET - The M100 Band Banquet will be held on Friday, May 19th at 6:30pm in the Expo Center. Click HERE to access the flyer to purchase tickets. Seniors and senior parents may purchase tickets now, but other students and families will be able to purchase tickets tomorrow morning beginning at 6:00am.
M100 SPRING TRIP TO DALLAS UPDATE - The deadline to complete payment for the upcoming Spring Trip to Dallas, TX will be Saturday, April 15. The discount has already been applied to all accounts, so any balances reflected on your accounts must be paid by this date. Students, please be prepared to provide information on who you will be rooming with for the trip. We will provide more details during class this week.
Monday, April 3 - Full Brass/Percussion Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
Tuesday, April 4 - Full Woodwind Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
Monday, April 3 - Full Woodwind Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
Thursday, April 6 - Full Brass Percussion Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
Tuesday, April 4 - Full Brass/Percussion Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
Thursday, April 6 - Full Woodwind Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
Monday, April 3 - Guard Leadership Training, 4:45pm-6:45pm
Tuesday, April 4 - Guard Audition Clinic, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Wednesday, April 5 - Full Leadership/Drum Major Training Session, 4:45pm-6:45pm
Wednesday, April 12 - Drum Major Training Session, 4:45pm-6:45pm
Friday, April 14 - Full Leadership Training Session, 4:45pm-6:45pm
Tuesday, April 25-Wednesday April 26 - Leadership Auditions After School
Friday, April 28 -Drum Major Auditions After School
April 19-21 - UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluations
April 22 - Reverse Raffle Band Booster Fundraiser
May 19 - M100 Band Banquet
May 20-22 - M100 Spring Trip to Dallas, TX
May 27 - State Solo/Ensemble Contest
NEW YEAR, NEW REMIND - There will be a new Remind for the new school year. Remind is used to send out pertinent info and updates to M100 families and members. Follow the instructions below to join the 2022-2023 M100 Remind.
Join with the Remind app or text this code to 81010 - @m1002223
BELTON M100 YOUTUBE CHANNEL - The Belton M100 has a new YouTube channel showcasing performances from the previous school year and onward. Please check out and subscribe to the channel by clicking HERE.
