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Weekend Update 11/6


Dear M100 Family,

We are full steam ahead into the next phase of our season! We are preparing our music for the upcoming holiday concert, our football team will begin its post-season run in the playoffs, and the Region Band auditions are now less than a month away! Our rehearsal schedule may be reduced, but there is still a lot of information to be aware of as we close the semester. Here is your weekend update!


November 7 - Winter Guard Auditions, 5:00pm-7:00pm

November 7 - Booster Club Meeting, 6:30pm-7:30pm

November 8 - Winter Guard Auditions, 5:00pm-7:00pm

November 9 - M100 Spirit Night @ Sonic, 5:00pm-9:00pm

November 10 - After School Rehearsal, 5:00pm-5:30pm


November 14, 15, 16 - Region Band Mock Auditions

November 14 - Combined Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm

November 16 - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm

November 17 - Varsity Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm

November 18 - JV Winter Guard Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm

November 19 - JV Winter Guard Camp, 10:00am-7:00pm


11/7 BOOSTER CLUB MEETING - Parents and Guardians that are planning on attending the M100 Spring Trip to Dallas, please plan on attending the booster meeting in the Commons on Monday, November 7. We will be discussing logistics and other details at this meeting.

11/9 M100 SPIRIT NIGHT AT SONIC - Support the M100 by getting dinner from Sonic (2803 Oakmark Drive, Belton, TX 76513) on Wednesday, November 9th from 5:00pm-9:00pm! Tell your friends to go and have them mention that they are supporting the M100!

11/10 REHEARSAL - The time for the Thursday, November 10 rehearsal has been reduced to 5:00pm-5:30pm.

11/11 HOME PLAYOFF GAME vs. NEC HS - There is NO SCHOOL on Veterans Day, but there IS a football playoff game at Tiger Field! Click HERE to view the itinerary for the home playoff gave vs. Northeast Early College (NEC) HS.

11/14-16 REGION BAND MOCK AUDITIONS - We will be holding Region mock auditions after school from November 14-16. This will provide students with the opportunity to go through the region audition experience to better prepare for the actual event on December 3. We will expect all students auditioning for either the Region band or the Freshman band to participate in this audition. Each student will only need to attend one of these three days, which we will determine later this week. We will discuss more details in class tomorrow.

11/17 and 11/19 REGION JAZZ CLINIC AND CONCERT - Students who auditioned into a Region Jazz ensemble, the clinics will be held on Thursday, November 17 and Saturday, November 19.

Clinic Times:

Thursday, November 17 – 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Saturday, November 19 – 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

The concert will be on Saturday, November 19 at 5:30 pm for the Region Jazz Ensemble and 6:00 pm for the Region Jazz Orchestra. All rehearsals and concerts will take place at Temple High School.


M100 SPRING TRIP TO DALLAS, TX - The M100 has been officially been approved to travel to Dallas, TX for a band trip from May 20-22, 2023. Click HERE to access the information regarding details and instructions to register for the trip. Please register for the trip ASAP! This will allow us to plan logistics easier the earlier we know who all is attending the event. Important things to note:

  • All students must register for the "4 people - 2 beds" option. This generates the cheapest price for the trip.

  • The current price of the trip is $715 for the "4 people - 2 beds" option. THIS PRICE WILL BE REDUCED. We will keep you updated on the exact reduction once we receive more information. Do not complete payment for this trip until we provide the final price.

Please feel free to reach out to if you have any questions.

NEW YEAR, NEW REMIND - There will be a new Remind for the new school year. Remind is used to send out pertinent info and updates to M100 families and members. Follow the instructions below to join the 2022-2023 M100 Remind.

  • Join with the Remind app or text this code to 81010 - @m1002223

BELTON M100 YOUTUBE CHANNEL - The Belton M100 has a new YouTube channel showcasing performances from the previous school year and onward. Please check out and subscribe to the channel by clicking HERE.

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