Dear M100 Family,
I hope everyone was able to get through the first week back from the break smoothly! Now that we are beginning preparation for our UIL Concert and Sight-Reading performance on April 19-20, there will be a LOT of after school rehearsals. Please check out the dates below for all rehearsals, and be prepared for what is up ahead! Here is your weekend update!
WEEKEND UPDATE FORMAT CHANGE - Due to the increase in before and after school events for each ensemble and Winter Guard, the weekend update will now include the upcoming events and dates at the end of the update. In addition, upcoming events and rehearsals will be separated by ensemble. Students, please check the dates for your respective ensemble so you are prepared at the beginning of the week for your upcoming rehearsals.
COMPLETE SPRING TRIP REGISTRATION - Thank you to everyone that has completed their registration for the upcoming Spring Trip to Dallas, TX on May 20-22! Please register for the trip ASAP if you have not already. Please click HERE to access the registration info. We would like to apply the discount for the trip to everyone's account this week, but we cannot unless everyone has registered. Thank you!
SECTIONALS FOR ALL BAND CLASSES - Each band class will begin having before and after school sectionals this week. Please check the band calendar or scroll to the end of this Weekend Update and locate your ensemble to find your sectional time. SYMPHONIC BAND SAXOPHONES, YOUR FIRST SECTIONAL IS TOMORROW MORNING AT 7:15AM! SET YOUR ALARMS NOW!
BHS PEP BAND - We have been asked to put together a pep band for select BHS boys and girls basketball games. Please check your calendars to see if you are available for the following dates. These events are not required The first game is this Tuesday, January 10.
CALL TIME - 6:00pm in the Band Hall
ATTIRE - M100 Jersey
BRING - Instrument and Flip Folder
Friday, January 27 - versus Waco University
Friday, February 3 - versus Lake Belton
Tuesday, January 10 - versus Lake Belton
Tuesday, January 31 - versus Waco
Tuesday, February 7 - versus Killeen
BHS FINE ARTS SHOWCASE - There will be a Fine Arts Showcase this week on Tuesday, January 10 and Wednesday, January 11. The students that volunteered in Wind Ensemble last week will be the performers for this event, along with the Guard. This will be from 12:15pm-2:00pm on both days, and the attire for this event will be your M100 T-SHIRT (NOT the jersey). We will discuss this further in class tomorrow.
January 9 - Belton Band Booster Meeting, 6:30pm in the Commons
January 10 - BHS Basketball Game vs. Lake Belton
January 10-11 - BHS Fine Arts Showcase, 12:15pm-
January 16 - NO SCHOOL, MLK Jr. Holiday
January 9 - COMBINED Trumpet/Horn Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 11 - Clarinet Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 11 - Percussion Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 11 - Sax/Low Reed Sectionals, 6:00pm-7:15pm
January 13 - Flute Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 13 - Low Brass Sectionals, 6:00pm-7:15pm
January 9 - Trumpet Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 10 - Saxophone Sectionals, 7:15am-8:30am
January 10 - Trombone Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 11 - Horn Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 12 - Euphonium Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 13 - Tuba Sectionals, 7:15am-8:30am
January 13 - Clarinet Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 9 - Saxophone Sectionals, 7:15am-8:30am (THIS IS TOMORROW MORNING!)
January 9 - Low Brass Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 10 - Horn Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 11 - Clarinet Sectionals, 4:45-6:00pm
January 12 - Flute Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 13 - Trumpet Sectionals, 4:45pm-6:00pm
January 9 - Combined WG Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm
January 11 - JV WG Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm
January 12 - Varsity WG Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm
January 18 - Combined WG Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm
January 19 - JV WG Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:45pm
January 10 - BHS Musical Orchestra Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:00pm
January 12 - BHS Musical Orchestra Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:00pm
January 17 - BHS Musical Orchestra Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:00pm
January 19 - BHS Musical Orchestra Rehearsal, 4:45pm-7:00pm
January 20-21 - All-Region Clinic/Concert @ Lake Belton HS
February 3-5 - BHS Musical
February 8-11 - TMEA Convention
February 25 - Solo/Ensemble Contest
March 30 - BHS Pre-UIL Concert (All bands will perform)
April 19-20 - UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluations
May 19 - M100 Band Banquet
May 20-22 - M100 Spring Trip to Dallas, TX
May 27 - State Solo/Ensemble Contest
NEW YEAR, NEW REMIND - There will be a new Remind for the new school year. Remind is used to send out pertinent info and updates to M100 families and members. Follow the instructions below to join the 2022-2023 M100 Remind.
Join with the Remind app or text this code to 81010 - @m1002223
BELTON M100 YOUTUBE CHANNEL - The Belton M100 has a new YouTube channel showcasing performances from the previous school year and onward. Please check out and subscribe to the channel by clicking HERE.